The Squaring it Up DVD will teach you how to square the club face properly. It truly is a secret. Most golfers are stuck in the past believing the hands roll over one another. Rolling the wrists over leads to so many faults that the golfer will be doomed for life when it comes to golf. Every quality player knows the proper impact position of the club face. We, good players were drilled over and over again trying to duplicate impact which by the way is the one universal looking trait of all good players. You really need to see this DVD because you need to educate your hands to incorporate the proper impact of the club face. This is the first building block of information you need to understand in the swing after learning the fundamentals. This video also goes over the proper fundamentals of set up as a reminder. I have received more complimenatry e-mails from appreciative and unknowing golfers after watching this video. Do yourself a favor, if you are unsure the least pit what the hands do in the impact area get this video.
To order this DVD visit: http://docsgolftips.com/cmd.php?pid=700e77dabbd04345a2f366ede0a795c0&bn=1