The Plane Truth

The Plane Truth

The Plane Truth:In every book, article, or discussion about a golf swing, the swing plane (or swing path) is one of the primary topics.  The path of the club has a direct relationship to where the ball will go. The golf swing plane is a principle that must be performed properly and consistent to be a consistent ball striker. Since the swing plane is so crucial in a golf swing, why do so many amateurs have a problem with swinging on plane?  The reason is, because there is a club head with a clubface attached to the shaft that must be squared up while swinging on plane. If one can understand how to square up the clubface, one can learn how to swing on plane.

What is plane and its misconceptions?

When speaking about swing plane that affects the flight of the ball, we are talking about the downswing plane at its delivery position to the contact of the golf ball. It does help to be on plane in the backswing or the follow through, but it is not imperative.   Thus, only become aware of the feeling and understanding of the delivery position of downswing plane. You as a student must understand what the downswing plane is! The downswing plane in all golfers must be between the right elbow and the right shoulder when the shaft of the club is half way down in the downswing with the handle end of the club pointing at the imaginary line that goes through the ball to the target. This area of plane is called the light zone. This downswing position has been called dropping it into the slot or coming down from the inside. It is very important that you truly understand clearly in your minds eye where the downswing plane is at the delivery point. You can see this light zone of swing planes in every down the line view of your favorite golfers swing sequence. I recommend you show yourself in stagnant position what the downswing plane is. Again, the Downswing light zone position of plane is consistent position of all good players. Whether you think you are a two plane swinger or one plane swingers, the position of halve way down in the swing must be on the ball plane. The two plane swinger is just a more upright swinger that drops it farther down to the downswing delivery plane.


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