Golf is a great role model for the young. Through private lesson, group training, junior clinics and junior golf outings I try to create a learning environment that will help the student grow not only as a golfer but send them on a path to becoming a fine young adult. Golf has many written rules and many unwritten rules just like life. It is the responsibility of a junior golfer to adhere to these rules, be true to ones self and respect the game of golf. My true passion and love for this game comes out in my juniors. I enjoy all the success stories I have received from past students that have gone on to have great success in life. I also enjoy helping young golfers through the process of finding a college that fits them. Golf provides a great avenue for continuing on to higher education. Furthermore, I work around any obstacles facing a junior golfer with passion for the game. My policy is to help no matter what in anyway that I can. I can honestly say that I am very proud of my mentorship when it comes to my junior golfers.